Saturday February 25, 2017 the Lincoln Chapter hosted our 5th annual American Heritage Dinner.
We began the evening with the NESSAR Eagle Scout Award winner Jake Swanson leading us the the Pledge of Alligance. Merle Rudebusch then presented him with an Eagle Scout Award patch. Jake will speak at the Spring NESSAR meeting in April and recieve his scholarship award.
Our featured speaker was Beverly Beavers who does an impressive impersionation of Lady Vestey who was raised in Superior, NE and lead a fasinating life traveling the world and being the highest payed female executive of her time. Married into the English aristrocracy but never forgot her Nebraska roots.
Members of many organizations were in attendance, SAR, DAR, SUVCW, DUVCW, Dames of the 17th Century, Mayflower Society, Hughuenot Socity, Society of the War of 1812, and more.
Compatriot Harry Merrihew was initiated by President David Kentsmith.
Displays were provided by Compatriot Roger Rotschaefer and his wife Linda. They had a beautiful display of WWI and Korean War uniforms and memorabilia.
Bill Dean, Camp Commander of the Neabraska Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW) brought his display of Civil War memorabilia.
MAI/POW table setting was donated to the Lincoln Chapter by Compatriot Robert Chandler. He as his wife have supplied the table to us for the past several years.
A great night, that was enjoyed by all in attendance. Hope to see everyone back on February 17, 2018 for our 6th annual dinner!
Merle Rudebusch and Bill Dean
Merle Rudebusch (SAR, SUV) and Bill Dean with Bill’s Civil War display.
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