by Paul Burright | May 29, 2018 | Omaha Chapter
Color Guard Commander, Compatriot Chad Sherrets and Compatriot Paul Burright presented the colors, in conjunction with the Millard South, JROTC Color Guard, at the Memorial Day Ceremony at the Omaha National Cemetery. The JROTC color guard presented the modern American flag, while the SAR presented the Betsy Ross flag. This co-presentation honored our fallen service members, from our very first veterans, to our current veterans. During the presentation, the National Anthem was sung, the invocation was given, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. In attendance was U.S. Senator, Deb Fischer, U.S. Representative, Don Bacon, and several officers from Offutt AFB and VA. It was quite an honor to be a part of this ceremony and pay our respects to our fallen soldiers.

by | May 28, 2018 | Lincoln Chapter
It was a beautiful, if not a little too hot, May morning in Lincoln at Wyuka Cemetery for the yearly Memorial Day Celebration.

Memorial Day 2018 at Wyuka Cemetery Lincoln
Compatriots, Shawn Stoner, John Braisted, John Reinert and Thomas Masters were in attendance.

Compatriots: Stoner, Braisted, J Reinert and Masters
by Paul Burright | May 19, 2018 | Omaha Chapter
On 8 May 2018, the Omaha Chapter held its monthly meeting and Mr. Jason Grof, managing director for Fort Atkinson State Historical Park was our guest speaker. Fort Atkinson is located in Ft. Calhoun, NE, just north of the Omaha metro area. The Fort was the first military post west of the Missouri River and was established in 1820. At its peak, it housed the U.S. Army 6th Infantry and had 1200 soldiers stationed there. They are currently in the first year of a 3 year Bicentennial Celebration at the Fort. 2018 is focusing on the War of 1812, and there are living history weekends the first weekend of every month through October. You can find more information about the Fort and schedule of upcoming events at Thank you to Jason Grof for giving us some history and insight into this very historical fort.

Vice President Ben Harvey, President Tom Upton, and Jason Grof from Ft. Atkinson State Historical Park

Reenactors fire a cannon during a living history day at Fort Atkinson SHP. Carroll, Copyright NEBRASKAland Magazine/Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.

Fort Atkinson on Fourth of July weekend. Soldiers firing their muskets. Nguyen, July 6, 2013. Copyright NEBRASKAland Magazine, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.
by Paul Burright | May 19, 2018 | Omaha Chapter
In April and early May, the Omaha Chapter had the honor of presenting ROTC cadets with the SAR ROTC awards and medals. The ROTC cadet is selected to receive this award for their high degree of merit with respect to leadership qualities, military bearing, and general excellence. Congratulations to the cadets and thank you to our Omaha Chapter members for volunteering their time to present these awards at their respective ceremonies.

Compatriot Tom Jones and Cadet Roger Hernandez – Omaha South HS

Compatriot David Kentsmith and Air Force Cadet Joshua Saddler – UNO

Compatriot Paul Burright and Cadet Sean Nutting – Omaha Burke HS

Compatriot Bob Knott and Cadet Komlan Akakpo – Bellevue East HS

Compatriot Paul Burright and Cadet Isaac del Angel Hernandez – Omaha Northwest HS

Compatriot David Kentsmith and Cadet Heather Clever – Omaha Benson HS
by Paul Burright | May 19, 2018 | Omaha Chapter
At our monthly meeting on 8 May 2018, the Omaha Chapter welcomed Compatriot Charles G. Reynolds to the membership. His initiation was conducted by Chapter President, Thomas Upton. Compatriot Reynolds is the father of Omaha member, Compatriot Michael Reynolds, and is descended from William Reynolds (MD). Congratulations and welcome to the Omaha Chapter and Nebraska Society!

Charles G. Reynolds and Chapter President, Thomas Upton
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