by | May 16, 2018 | Lincoln Chapter
At the May 4, 2018 meeting, the Lincoln Chapter welcomed new compatriot Stanley Wayne Smith who’s Patriot ancestor was William Colgan a member of Washington’s Life Guard. Welcome to the NESSAR Compatriot Smith!

President Hoke presents Compatriot Smith his membership certificate.
by | May 16, 2018 | Lincoln Chapter
April 26, 2018 Compatriot John Braisted of the Lincoln Chapter presented the Sons of the American Revolution JROTC medal and certificate to Cadet Carter Dowding at Lincoln Northeast High-school. In 2015 his older brother Emery Dowding received the same award. Congratulations to Carter and Dowding family!

by Paul Burright | May 7, 2018 | Omaha Chapter

Chapter President Thomas Upton and Compatriot Lance Overmyer
Compatriot Lance Alan Overmyer was initiated into the Nebraska Society at the Omaha Chapter meeting on 8 Apr 2018 by Chapter President, Thomas Upton. Compatriot Overmyer is descended from Capt. John George Overmyer (PA) and he gave a short overview of his application journey, his Patriot Ancestor, and Patriot’s service. Congratulations, Compatriot Overmyer and welcome to the Society!
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