by Paul Burright | Nov 17, 2018 | Omaha Chapter
The November edition of the Omaha Chapter newsletter, “The Quill & Parchment” is now available on the website, on the Omaha Chapter link at Give it a read and see what the Omaha Chapter has been up to.
by Paul Burright | Nov 14, 2018 | Nebraska Society
The Patriot Medal is the highest honor that can be bestowed on a Compatriot by a State Society. It is presented for recognition of long, faithful, outstanding, and distinguished service at the state and/or chapter levels.

State 1st VP, Merle McAlevy, Past State President, David Kentsmith, Omaha President, Tom Upton
As we were unable to present the medal at the Fall State Meeting, Compatriot Kentsmith was presented the medal at the Omaha Chapter Meeting on 13 Nov. Presenting the medal was State 1st Vice President, Merle McAlevy, and Chapter President, Tom Upton. Compatriot Kentsmith is very deserving of this recognition as he has served in many capacities and offices at various levels of the Society. He has been Chapter President of Omaha SAR, State President of Nebraska SAR, State Secretary, State Trustee and Alternate Trustee, as well as serving on various committees, including heading up the committee that helped to rewrite and update our State By-Laws. He also served as the North Central District, Vice President General to the National SAR.
Congratulations, Compatriot Kentsmith! Thank you from all of the state membership for your outstanding service to the Omaha and Nebraska SAR!!
by Paul Burright | Nov 14, 2018 | Omaha Chapter
The Omaha Chapter Meeting minutes for 13 Nov are now posted on the website.
by Paul Burright | Oct 30, 2018 | Omaha Chapter
If you are on Facebook, look for Omaha SAR and like and follow our new Chapter page. We will be posting articles about Revolutionary War Patriots, battles, and other general Revolutionary Era information, photos and posts on the happenings of our Chapter at meetings and other events, as well as other items that may be of interest and relevant to the Omaha SAR.
Like and follow the page and invite others to like and follow the page. Help us get our voice out there in the social media community!!
by Paul Burright | Oct 13, 2018 | Nebraska Society
At our Omaha Chapter meeting on 9 Oct 2018, Compatriot David Kentsmith was honored for his service to the SAR.
Chapter President, Tom Upton, presented David with a certificate from National for his service as Vice President General for the North Central District, which includes Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, and North and South Dakota, for which he served from 2017-2018. He was also presented with a certificate and pin for his service as our Past State President, from 2016-2017.
Congratulations Compatriot Kentsmith, and thank you, from all of the membership, for your service and dedication to the SAR!
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