by Paul Burright | Oct 13, 2018 | Omaha Chapter

Our program for October was delivered by Lorraine Jeffus, Past President of Questers International.
Her program covered the history of The Questers organization which was founded in 1944 in Ft. Washington, PA. Their mission is to educate by research and the study of antiques, be it antique items, landmarks, or architecture. Their National organization gives grants to their chapters to help with restoration projects that the chapters take on. One of the projects in the Omaha area that received a grant was the restoration of a stained glass window within the Joslyn Castle. They have also sponsored a fellowship that helped to restore the tent that General George Washington used during the Revolutionary War. That tent is now on display at the Museum of the American Revolution in Philadelphia, PA.
It was a very interesting program, and a great organization to learn about. If you are into antiques and want to learn more, check out The Questers online.
by Paul Burright | Oct 11, 2018 | Omaha Chapter
The minutes for the Omaha Chapter, Oct 9th meeting have been posted.
by Paul Burright | Sep 15, 2018 | Omaha Chapter
The Omaha Chapter meeting minutes for our past meeting, 11 Sep 2018, have been uploaded to the website.
by Paul Burright | Aug 16, 2018 | Omaha Chapter
Following our 3 month, summer hiatus, the Omaha Chapter is set to resume meeting again on 11 Sep 2018, at Gorat’s Steakhouse, at 6pm in Omaha. Please plan on attending, as we will be reviewing our membership survey sent out over the summer months and presenting our actions, and some fun ideas, to continue growing our chapter in a positive way! We look forward to seeing you all!
by Paul Burright | Jul 5, 2018 | Nebraska Society
The State Color Guard participated in the 58th annual Independence Day Parade in Ralston, NE, on 4 Jul 2018. Color Guard Commander, Chad Sherrets (Omaha), State President, Shawn Stoner (Lincoln), Compatriot John Braisted (Lincoln), and Compatriot Paul Burright (Omaha) were in attendance. Nella and Aylin Dolan, members of the Children of the American Revolution, also in period dress, carried our banner in front of the colors. Compatriot Mel Burright (Omaha) rode in an open jeep behind the color guard, waving and interacting with the spectators, along with Mary Dolan, President of the CAR and also a DAR member. It was an extremely hot day as we marched the 1.5 miles of the parade route, through downtown Ralston, as one of 100 other parade entries, and were seen by an estimated 42,000 members of the public in attendance. It was great to see people stand up and salute, or place their hand over their hearts, as we marched past with the colors. It was a great event to represent the Nebraska Society and showcase our organization to the public.

Commander Chad Sherrets, Pres. Shawn Stoner, Paul Burright, John Braisted

Chad Sherrets, Shawn Stoner, Paul Burright, John Braisted, CAR members Nella and Aylin Dolan

On the parade route!

Independence Day Color Guard!!
#NebraskaSAR #SARPatriotism
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